Her voice was indifferent of critic, full of personality and passion, yet with a comforting touch of human imperfection. She sang but one night a week, but is was enough. It was enough to allow her to become a fixture in the patrons evenings. She was able to provide entertainment and therefore made herself a valued member. Her sound demanded to be not only heard, but felt and understood. Her voice was not made for background dinner music, but to move listeners to dance and express their feelings in a way which was both favored and needed. She became a familiar face in what, for her was an unfamiliar environment. How the lights shone upon her as her voiced weaved through the melody of the piano! She was a relied upon fixture of the establishment, with a style the loyal patrons remembered for years. It was me who supplied her with that style and she recognized me for the gift only I could give her. It was I who gave her presence, that sense of importance she longed for, and she knew it as …show more content…
The ocean is dragging me down amongst it’s swirling current. I am being pulled beneath the waves by a stronger force, one that disregards my feeble attempts at saying afloat, and instead drags me down deeper along with my counterparts. I recognize my ending is inevitable, that I am never going to end up reborn and hung fresh and new on the rack I once hung. It appears citing my final act was to restore the faith of a broken man. I resurrected my lost love, revealing her presence and saving the souls of the broken. I have served her faithfully being a dutiful soldier, remaining loyal throughout the fight. It is with this reassuring thoughts that I have no regrets of my time her. I realize that, eventually, all wars end and it is my turn to sink below the fight and resistance. It is time I accept that my journey has come to a end. So I float, away from the shore where he stands with only memories, saying goodbye to the material that was once so valued. I am the red dress that gave life to his mother, I am the red dress that gave life to