Las Vegas Show Research Paper

Words: 1051
Pages: 5

Vegas is all about getting hammered. The next best thing on the Strip is to mosey over to Mike Hammer’s comical magic show, where guests are sure to get Hammer’d instead. Illustrious performer Mike Hammer intertwines magic and comedy into a thrilling 120 minutes. At this must see interactive Las Vegas show, visitors will experience a blend of a delightful setting, drinks, comedy, magic and expert showmanship at an affordable price.
Preceded by the staff, guests of the Mike Hammer show saunter through rich velvet curtains. On the other side lays an intimate, dimly lit auditorium. Eyes can’t help but to be drawn to the walls speckled with relics of past productions. The seating, while not optimal, is appropriate considering the type of activity at hand and its short duration. Seats are predetermined and guests can choose from booths towards the back of the venue, or neatly aligned red cushion chairs in the middle. The front row seats and adjacent tables are reserved for the VIP members. Unfortunately, there is a notable issue with the tablecloths, which when provoked would slip off, and cause one’s possessions to come crashing to the floor. Other than that, the stage is visible from every chair, and nobody is far enough away to feel left out. Overall, this quaint venue that is more than adequate.
For such a sought after and
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The audience was in awe when he somehow teleported a marked 20-dollar bill from under a large man’s arse into a sealed bag of peanuts that was tucked away inside the vacuum being used as a prop; a fantastic demonstration of this man’s raw talent. Another attention grabber was when he tore up a newspaper, had the pieces randomly passed out, and then guessed which words the participants had randomly selected. The latter trick seemed to baffle feed the crowds energy. This show contains a truly remarkable display of magic that gives even Penn and Teller a run for their