Later School Start Times Research

Words: 548
Pages: 3

There has been a long debate among students, parents, and school officials regarding the impact of school start times. Many people believe that later starting times are positive for students. Others contend that later school start times have long-term consequences. However, later school start times have negative impacts on students. With later school start times comes more money. Later school start times impact athletes and their practice time. Waking up earlier allows you to do more with your time, either to make up work or do homework. As you continue reading, you will learn more about how waking up early gives you more positive opportunities than waking up later.

To begin with, delaying school starts would cost the school additional money. According to "You snooze, you lose" districts would have to reschedule school buses and spend extra for other essentials (Source 1). Other schools want to spend as little money as possible, and if the school starts later than usual, it creates childcare problems for the parents. In addition, later school start times could leave some kids walking home in the dark (Source 1 ). When buses are rescheduled, it causes more problems for the parents and students. People
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In “The Impact of Later Cool Start Times on Athletics,” Athletes have to miss class for their games or practices (Source 2). Research on student-athletes has been conducted and proven that being an athlete you have to keep up with a lot of classes and grades. When you are too busy stressing about the next upcoming game, you also have to keep track of other responsibilities. As well as after-school activities, later school start times would leave teens with fewer hours for after-school activities and homework (Source 1). Athletes need an equal amount of time to learn and practice. That is another reason why schools are starting to cut back on the start