Latino Culture Research Paper

Words: 1489
Pages: 6

How Does Latino Culture Affect Self-Identity Among Teenagers?


As a teen growing up in a Hispanic family, you have to figure out who you are while also following practices and culture that will conflict with your own growth. This would include family, being known to maintain strong family ties and the dignity that you maintain. “With the strong familial bonds that are associated with Latino cultures, younger generations can experience a particular pressure to pursue this ideal of success for the sake of those who came before them” (Living in Two Worlds). Most people start considering how their identity might impact their life and destiny throughout their adolescent years. This causes many teenagers to have great self-consciousness about who they are and how other people see them, which can lead to a phase of self-discovery and experimentation (Why is Teen Identity Development Important?). In this research paper, I will look into why
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Latinos and Latinas who want to grow into who they truly are but often struggle to fit into their identity because they want to live up to standards that have been set since the beginning. Along with that come the remaining factors of behavior changes within teens and identity struggles. These tend to collide because behavior changes come along with identity changes, leading to changes in who you are. All three factors are difficult to balance, and that is why it can be concluded that Latinos and Latinas don’t know what path to choose or where to even start. The most difficult part of this was being able to conduct research with very limited information about Latino cultural expectations that connected to both self-identity crises and behavior changes. I later found out that the connections could be made with all three factors, concluding that no further research is needed to answer my research