Discrimination In Education And Latinos

Words: 1603
Pages: 7

Education is one of the most important pillars of a country. The state of a country’s education system determines how prepared the population would be for future changes, both positive and negative. It would be safe to suggest that a robust education system is essential for the successful building of a nation. In this paper, the author reviews related literatures on the educational problem that Hispanic and Latinos youths and students face, particular discrimination and mstreatment. The results of the research suggested that some of the reasons why they were being discriminated included the lack of culturally relevant and sensitive instructions and practices within the education sector. These problems must eventually
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In such cases mainly, the people being discriminated or the victims would often emerge as the members of the minority. Putting that into context, the Hispanics and Latin Americans are represented as a minority in the United States and; therefore, they are the ones who would often emerge as the victims of discrimination in the education system. There are various reasons that could explain this phenomenon and some of them include their unique way of writing, oral styles and levels of proficiency in critical thinking because the existing assesnment on reading and writing is not designed to integrate them into it, because educators are not traied to handle culturaly diverse group of students and lastly because …show more content…
Retrived from http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/international-migration/glossary/discrimination/
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