Learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Process

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Pages: 3

Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation process to save a life

CPR is a procedure used in emergency cases of any cardiac arrest. This is the procedure of breathing and chest compressions.CPR is an effort of reversing the cardiac arrest. It is a procedure used to reactivate heart of a person in pumping blood in the body. The cardiopulmonary resuscitation's purpose is to generate the blood having oxygen to vital organs, like the brain. If the cardiopulmonary resuscitation is given successfully then it provides the relief to vital organs and decreases the chances of brain damage which causes death.

The process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is very important to learn. According to study, only 6.4 % people can survive from any cardiac arrest. The main cause of so many deaths is that the patient does not know about the cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure. If the victims or patients know the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation then about 50000 lives can be saved yearly. So it is essential to know the process of cardiopulmonary
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If you have deep knowledge about the cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure, you can save someone’s life.

With the best three following methods, you can complete the CPR procedure

Near about 30 times you should continuously press the chest. Moreover, you should use the ventilation process to breathe in a manner way. If the patient is not breathing then you can give 2 ventilations or bag-valve mask. You can squeeze the bag with one hand for approximately 1 or 2 seconds. You can force the 500 ml of air into patient’s lungs. These three processes can help the patients to save his life.

Cases handle in Hospitals

For the CPR, a patient can get robust approaches for the treatment of cardiac arrest in hospitals. With drug interventions, ECG monitoring, defibrillations, and invasive airway procedure there’s a lots chances about the patients to live safe and healthy