Lee Harvey Oswald's Assassination Conspiracy

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Pages: 7

The main reason that the case is surrounded by conspiracies today is due to the death of Lee Harvey Oswald. The alleged assassin was never able to testify in court and was barely questioned by law enforcement. Even major United States government agencies knew that his death would bring up controversy. Shortly after his death, the director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, stated, “The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin”(“National Archives Release”). This statement alone gave conspirators excitement because the quote seems to suggest that they must get a confession from an innocent man. Although this quote could easily have been misinterpreted, …show more content…
Johnson, ordered an investigation of the killing. This was known as the Warren Commission. After investigations, they established that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in his attack against the president; however, in 1992, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was created and investigated the case as well (“Table of Contents”). They stated, “The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy” (“Table of Contents”). The evidence that was used to come to this conclusion was an audio tape from the Dallas Police radio at the time of the assassination. The HSCA concluded that four shots were clearly heard on the audio tape, not three and that the rate of fire does not align with that of a bolt action rifle like the one used by Oswald. The question remains whether or not Oswald acted alone or whether he was …show more content…
Kennedy was given two options for where the autopsy would be performed. Her choices were the National Naval Medical Center or the Army’s Walter Reed Hospital; she chose the Naval Medical Center because her husband had served in the Navy (“Science (Shows)”). One of the doctors who helped perform the autopsy was Dr. Humes. According to him, the autopsy was not normal by any means. He stated that some steps were skipped, such as removing and weighing all of the organs (Rosenbaum). He also stated that the original autopsy was not the one that the National Archives had. This means that the Warren Commission did not hand over the original autopsy of JFK. Could this mean that they were covering up evidence? While examining the photographs of the autopsy, Dr. Humes stated that he had not recognized the pictures and that it was difficult for him to understand them. He could barely differentiate between exit and entry wounds and, he could not tell how many bullet wounds there were (Rosenbaum). If a doctor that performed autopsies could not understand the pictures from the Warren Commission, then how is any other American expected to? This information suggests that the government went to great lengths in order to cover up evidence from the original autopsy, which would then show that they were involved in the murder of