Scientific knowledge is different from common sense because scientific knowledge is based on facts and data that offers the evidence to back up a thesis whereas common sense is our common knowledge that does not require much depth but mostly what we have learned through interactions with others. Scientific knowledge is also less subjective because the experiments can be controlled in a controlled environment and using common sense causes you to falsify judgment because the knowledge comes from assumptions.
The scientific method enables researchers to “focus on how things actually are and why,” (Babbie, 2010; pg. 11). They must be objective while gathering a multitude of data for analysis in order to come to a conclusion about the world around them. With the scientific method, researchers are able to organize their thoughts and procedures to be confident in the answers they find.
What I consider real may not be what my next door neighbor considers real. In other words, we may agree that we are both in the same world but may just have different “points of views,” (Babbie, 2010; pg. 9) about life and the events in it. For me, reality does not have to be seen in order for me to consider it real. I view feelings and emotions as real because