Liberals Vs Conservatives

Words: 793
Pages: 4

Political ideologies are belief systems that members of a social group use when considering aspects of politics such as. Although political ideologies are complex, there are typically two group’s conservatives and liberals. Conservatives are the supporters of “tradition and stability” and liberals are supporters of “innovation and reform” (Hibbing, Smith & Alford, 2014). When looking at conservatives in comparison to liberals there is extensive research that states that there are individual differences between the two groups, from the way that they view and take action in politics, to the way they appreciate art or the way they perceive stimuli.
Core Paper Hibbing et al. (2014) argue that one of the differences between liberals and conservatives is the nature of their physiological and psychological responses to features of the environment that are negative. It is argued that the liberal-conservative continuum is “ancient and universal” (Hibbing et al, pg. 297, 2014) and that an explanation for this continuum is that liberals are less sensitive and responsive to negative stimuli in comparison to conservatives.
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(2014) found to support their argument included, an experiment by Shook and Fazio (2009) that aimed to explain the politics and implicit psychological differences between liberals and conservatives. They found that conservatives are more likely than liberals to follow strategies that are safe and traditional, which lead them to know less about the positive aspects in their environment as they have never experienced them. In order to find physiological differences, an experiment was conducted that tested Electrodermal Activity (EDA) when shown images that would produce either negative or positive images, these findings were consistent with the argument of Hibbing et al. (2009) that negative visual stimuli increased EDA in conservatives more than liberals (Dodd et al.,