Life After High School

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Pages: 3

After high school comes the time when the graduate has to ask themselves “what should I do next”, for me that time has long since passed. However, it is still a very important questions that every person should ask themselves before they take the next step in their life and profession.
Jumping from high school into more school can seem to be a little daunting for most people. I can see how some individuals would want to take a break from school after four long years. Nevertheless, taking time off before you start college is never a good idea. When a student makes the choice to attend college right out of high school the student is more likely retain most of the curriculum learned. Also, the student will be more likely to earn higher wages at their first job. Another positive aspect of going to college right out of high school is that the student is already in the routine of going to school.
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One of the reasons that I made that decision was I wanted to make some money and move out of my parents’ house. That was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. When I decided to take some time off before continuing my education, I said to myself “I will only work for a year”, that did not turn out the way I planned it. About 5 years later I finally registered for class at CTC. That is not the worst of it. When I finally decided to go back to school I had forgot so much, math was the worst. I had fail to recall so much that I wish I could have turned back