Israel wanted to be like all the other nations around them so they asked the Lord to give them a king. In doing so then the people of Israel rejected the Lord who had lead them out of Egypt and delivered the canaanites into their hands. Yet they still wanted to have a king so the Lord commanded Samuel to anoint a king. So the Lord revealed to Samuel that Saul was to be their king. So Samuel anointed Saul to be king of Israel. Saul was a handsome young man from the tribe of Benjamin.
The Ammonites besieged Jabesh Gilead, and so the people of Gilead called out to Saul. When Saul found out he sent a messenger to tell Jabesh Gilead that by the time that the sun is hot you will be rescued. So Saul went to Jabesh Gilead with his army. Then he divided the army into three parts and then they attacked killed them freeing the people of Jabesh Gilead(1 Samuel 11:1-11). Samuel now leaves the leadership role in Israel and hands it over to Saul who is the new king. By …show more content…
So Saul goes out to fight the Philistines then after fighting then they go to fight the Amalekites and the Lord say to kill everything. Instead of killing everything Saul everything but the best animals, everything that was good and king Agar. Saul did not fall away right away but he fell away step by step. “This time Saul’s disobedience is deliberate. He is rejected by God as King, and Samuel pays him no more official visits (Zondervan Handbook).” So this means that God willing not allow Saul to continue disobeying him. Saul also lost the way he heard from God because Samuel was the way that the Lord would talk to