Listening To Music Analysis

Words: 489
Pages: 2

I am an international student in Canada. After leaving my home country, family and friends, I wanted to get involved in as many activities as I can to not be homesick. I have some hobbies that make me feel good. I am into music and photography. They help me to feel better whenever I am stressed, in a bad mood, or overwhelmed with my busy life. I cannot think of any other activities that can help me to relax my mind and calm me down.
Music is very important for me. Listening to music changes my mood. There are various genres that I love to listen. When I am sad, I go for happy songs as they make me happy. After listening to them, I find myself more cheerful, and dancing. Moreover, it helps me to motivate myself and focus on studying. Even if
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It is where I can express myself and the way I see the world. Anything can inspire me. Various cultures and people of Toronto, beautiful nature of Canada, the weather, school, and there are many other things that inspire me. Recently, the humans of Toronto have taken my attention more than the others. There are a lot of immigrants and international people from all around the world. I see a different story behind each person’s eyes. I may not have enough time to listen them all but I want to feel and understand their struggles, happiness and excitement by looking at their faces, looking in their eyes. So I ask some people, that I find interesting, on the street for their permissions to let me take their photos. If they are okay with it, I take their pictures, and make a story book, then share the photos with them. Some of them like to share their stories with me after seeing my curiosity. Then I make a little story book with their stories including their pictures. I have heard a lot of life stories so far. Even if I have not experienced many things in my life, I have learnt a lot from the stories that I have heard. Now, I know how to empathize with people around me, how to cheer myself and my friends up whenever we do not feel well. Thus, I believe that photography has affected my life in a very positive