Essay about Literacy: Age of Enlightenment and Primary Source

Submitted By ilaisa71
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Pages: 5

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Antin, M. (1914). A little Jewish girl in the Russian Pale, 1890. Retrieved from Primary source account of Antin’s experiences as a young girl in the Russian Pale. Speaks to antiSemitism and reasons behind the Russian Revolution. Bosin, Y.V. (2009). Pugachev’s rebellion, 1773-1775. In I. Ness (Ed.). International encyclopedia of revolution and protest. (pp. 2775-2776). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Retrieved from Short summary of Pugachev’s peasant uprising in Russia. Bradford, W. (c. 1650). History of the Plymouth Plantation. Retrieved from Primary source excerpts from Bradley’s personal journal detailing the voyage on the Mayflower and the first years of the Plymouth plantation. British Broadcasting Corporation. (2008). Rwanda: How the genocide happened. Retrieved from Summary of the Rwandan genocide with historical background. Bunyan, J. (1678). The pilgrim’s progress. London: Nath. Ponder. Retrieved from Allegorical English Protestant standard bearer speaks to relationship between religion and Enlightenment ideals. Columbus, C. (n.d.). Columbus’ letter to the King and Queen of Spain. Retrieved from Letter concerning the colonization of new lands. Speaks to mercantilism and plantation. Conrad, J. (1902). Heart of darkness. London: J.M. Dent & Sons. Retrieved from Fictional work details the darker aspects of imperialism. Speaks to the mistreatment of indigenous populations and the “civilizing” mission of imperialists.

Cortes, H. (1520). Second letter to Charles V. Retrieved from Primary source description of Mexico, the land, and its inhabitants through the lens of Cortes. de Champlain, S. (1608). The foundation of Quebec. Retrieved from Primary source account of Samuel de Champlain’s voyage for France. Dickens, C. (1854). Hard times. London: Bradbury and Evans. Retrieved from Fictional account of Industrial Revolution in England as seen through Dickens’ industrial Coketown. Speaks to many aspects of the Industrial Revolution, including economic inequality and social conditions. Engels, F. (1844). The condition of the working-class in England in 1844. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. pp. 45, 48-53. Retrieved from Excerpt from Engels’ chapter, “The Great Towns” underscores the growth of consumer culture and the rise of economic inequality in industrial Manchester. England. (1689). Toleration Act. Retrieved from Primary source document offering religious toleration to segments of population not affiliated with the Church of England. Ferry, J. (1884). On French colonial expansion. Retrieved from Selection from a speech by the Prime Minister of France detailing the European duty to “civilize” the “lower races” of colonial nations. Fordham University Modern History Sourcebook. (1997). Salon life. Retrieved from Selections from memoirs illustrate the salon culture of the Enlightenment. Fordham University Modern History Sourcebook. (1997). Social conditions in 17th century France. Retrieved from Short primary source excerpts describing social conditions in 17th century France. Fordham University Modern History Sourcebook. (1998). Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859): On Empire and education. Retrieved from