1.0. Aim
This report focuses on stages that people go through when grieving. Nurses are at the broader line because people may usually come in to contact with them when a family member dies while in a healthcare setting like a hospital or aged care home.
1.2. Purpose
This report will define grief, the feelings associated with grief, stages people go through and recommendations of other sources of support other than nurses.
1.3. Methodology
The information for this report is retrieved from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/dealing-with-loss-and-grief better health channel
Scott, K., Webb, M., & Sorrentino, S. A. (2015). Long-Term Caring: Residential, home and community aged care. Elsevier …show more content…
The range of emotions that arise are intensified by the relationship to the deceased. When grieving, the body, mind and spirit is affected. Everyone experiences and expresses grief in different ways. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Changes in emotions and behavioural patterns can be sadness, irritability, isolation, numbness, anxiety, shock and anger. These reactions are overwhelming and come in waves usually initiated by memories; these can be a step in the healing process to overcome loss. Dr Elizabeth Kubler Ross identified 5 stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall, …show more content…
People are confronted with intense and overwhelming emotions which bring them to the conclusion that they will never get over their loss. Although they feel that way, it is completely natural to encounter these feelings. While grief is a lamentable part of our lives, dwelling on it for a very long time is not healthy. How long people grieve can be influenced by personality, the people with whom grief is shared, the number of times a person has gone through grief, period between their previous loss and now, physical wellbeing and the support that is available to them. In time, people learn to cope and move forward on life (Australian Indigenous Health Info Net