Longer School Days Research Paper

Words: 647
Pages: 3

So the lengthening of school days has been a widely discussed topic through many school districts. Those who in favor think that longer school days will help students succeed and do better in school. Those against the idea think that it will just cause more problems with the school system.

The History about this is that this topic has been an ongoing topic for many years. To begin studies show that some students aren't getting the time they need to take in or understand what they are being taught(Nix, Melissa "Blocking Out Study Time"). Next Some schools that have actually tested this have stated that there has been a lower drop out rate after the change(Hagen, Mindy "More Choices On The Block"). This is why many supporters think that this is a good idea.
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First the supporters that longer school days will give students more time to take in or understand what they are being taught. Some Students don’t get the time they need to learn that some of the things they are supposed to be learning cant be taught very well due to limited time. The second thing is that people in favor of this think that the lengthening of school days will help students on Get better grades in school and on tests. The longer school days would give them more time to get assignments done in class and to study in class("Changing Times", October 3, 2001). The final thing is that schools that have changed to longer school days say that they have seen a lower drop out rate since the change(Hagen Mindy, " More Choices On The Block"). But of course Critics say other wise they totally disagree with this