He place two goals that of a cultural and social systems. His culturally defined goal was that people was feeling the worth of striving for in a diverse society that includes all interests and purposes in a society of people. The second one was socially approved institutionalized means which defines and controls the acceptable means of reaching out those goals there are seeking. These goals must be integrated into a culture if it is able to be stable and run like it suppose too into society. Without this goals and integration from individuals to achieve them then it’s what he calls a state of anomie that occurs. But with Merton’s developed mode of adaptation which states fives types of individual adaptation which conformity which states if anomies are not there then both goals will be the form of adaptation by the individuals. Innovation is that teens should accept the goals but also reject other means of attaining the goals so they take other paths and this leads to criminal behaviors. Ritualism is the state of where they are seeking some type of goal that escapes dangers and their troubles. Retreatism is where they reject goals in order to stay away from society like people who take drugs and have issues with mental