The film lord of war was directed by Andrew Niccol and it was released in 2005. The leading role was given to Nicholas Cage, who in the film was known as Yuri Orlov. Supported by Amnesty International, the film aimed to raise awareness of the illegal arms trade. The film had no funding from Hollywood, so the film had to get it from international sources. The reason why Amnesty International supported the funding was because the illegal arms trade was controversial but that’s also the reason why Hollywood did not want to fund the film because if they did that might cause problems for Hollywood.
As the film lord of war is rated 15+ the target audience must be for 15 year olds and over. The film is also targeted towards people who feel strongly about the subject of “The illegal arms trade”
The illegal arms trade is really disturbing because they supply illegal weapons to rebel forces such as in Sierra Leone. The audience is important for this type of film, because if the film makers make enough money they might give some money back to Amnesty International which is a charity, so they would probably give the money to people who need it. The audience are also very important because it might enlighten people with no/hardly any knowledge about the “Illegal arms Trade”
The purpose of directing the film at this target audience is to enlighten people about the Illegal arms trade and also to tell people to stand up for what they believe in and vote to stop the illegal arms trade once and for all or maybe even donate money to amnesty international so they could put matters into their own hands and try stopping the illegal arms trade by themselves. I believe the effect on the audience would be good, because not only