After a confrontation with Eddard Stark Jaime flees the capital. Shortly after he invades the Riverlands at the head of a Lannister army. He gains a few victories but is taken unaware by Robb Stark who defeats and captures him. He is imprisoned in Riverrun, where he remains a captive for a year. In A Storm of Swords Jaime becomes a POV Character. Read more.
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Featured quote
“There will be pain.” – Qyburn
“I’ll scream.” – Jaime Lannister
“A great deal of pain.” – Qyburn
“I’ll scream very loudly.” – Jaime [1]
"The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints – 'the ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do...'" – Dolorous Edd