I left the property at aproximatley 1:30pm to have a coffee with my neighbours Kerry and Will Sabin before heading over to Coventry to do some shopping
I returned to the property at aproxmitley 4:30pm to meet another potential buyer who took the bedframe sofa, chairs, matress and wardrobe. In the process of removing the sofa the front room door had to be removed to allow enough space to get the sofa out. the door and all the screws where placed beside the door frame it had been removed from. I then set about the task of removing the vinal flooring in the bathroom and kitchen and put that into the bedroom. I also removed and folded the front room carpet ready for removal on the saturday 4th of January 2013.
I asked Will to pop over to lend me a hand with the shower at aproximatley 5:30pm. Will and I had to dismantle the boarding I had fitted over the piping in the bathroom to gain access to the isolation valve for the shower and the stop cock for the water. We then switched off all the power to the flat via the fusebox in the utility room and removed the shower I had had fitted in to the property please note the shower and the boxing over the pipes where never council fitted items. The shower was removed and the cabelling and trunking removed back to the isolation switch in the hall way. The wires where cut, tucked away inside the switch then the switch re sealed as to leave no exposed wires or any danger of electricution to the new occupants. I left the property at aproximatley 6:00pm to have a coffee with Will and Kerry before I left for home.
I returned