Louisiana State University Scholarship Essay

Words: 585
Pages: 3

Growing up in a household with a disabled veteran has brought a strive upon me beyond great lengths. Despite my father’s internal battle with his extreme case of PTSD, he has always worked hard to give us a better childhood than he was given. Moving us from a small poverty stricken town in Louisiana, my dad sent us to school in Texas giving us many more opportunities than he had. Over time my father’s disability grew, leaving my mother as the families source of income. I was raised to be a hard worker and very goal oriented. Louisiana State University has always held the place of my number one goal in life from a very young age. My mother preached to me to make good grades, show up to class and volunteer in the community or else LSU won’t accept me, so I did. My excitement for Louisiana State grew so large to the point where I was taking my mom’s CD books and radios, hiding them under my bed to take to college at eight years old. Who would’ve known back then that my entire CD book would fit into one handheld device by the time I actually needed to pack for college. Beginning high school, my test scores qualified me to attend college classes. At the age of 14 I began taking a shuttle after school to my local community college to take part in classes with adults over twice my age. My first job interview was at the age of …show more content…
I sat for the first time on a plane prepared for a 15 hour ride to Europe for my senior trip. I spent three weeks traveling across Europe stepping foot in 7 different countries and experiencing many different cultures. I grew a strong love for people and their different ways of life. While my peers enjoyed the tourist attraction I took the time out to speak to different people and learn about their culture, government and even religions. To my surprise, what seemed like perfect countries in the movies I grew up infatuated by, weren’t so perfect in reality, facing many