Low Testosterone Research Paper

Words: 712
Pages: 3

Low testosterone can have a huge impact on how good you feel. It can lead to low sex drive, increase fatigue and even depression. So how do you know if you've got low testosterone and how can you boost it? In this article, I'm going to show you five ways to increase your testosterone.

First things first. It's going to be hard to increase your testosterone levels, if they're already normal or they're high. To determine that, you need to find out whether you have low testosterone or not. Going and getting a blood test will give you data to show you whether you have low testosterone or not. If it's low, here's some ways to boost your testosterone.

Lift Weights

The first one is to go and lift weight. If you're trying to boost your testosterone,
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A good rest is something that we all need. If you're not getting enough sleep and you're not getting good quality sleep, then you lower your testosterone levels. Therefore, focusing on the amount of sleep you're having and the quality that you're having is very important. I'm not going to give you much more information about sex, but it's been proven that a bit more sex can increase your testosterone.

Cut Sugar

If you're feeding yourself the wrong foods, you're going feel fatigued and eventually have a decrease in testosterone. So making sure that you have more of a balanced and nutritious diet is very important. At the same time, it's also important that you cut-out sugar. You don't have to cut out completely, but within moderation. Reduce the amount of sugar you're having and you could have a slight boost in testosterone.

Cold Showers

Making sure that you have a good cold shower can increase your testosterone. With cold showers, there's a lot of conflicting data and advice out there. Some say that it boosts your testosterone, while others say that it doesn't . Recent studies have shown that cold showers can boost your mood. It literally changes your state and the way you feel. So if you're fatigued or stressed, jumping in a cold shower is going to help with your mindset in the way that you're