The Gender Wage Gap

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Pages: 4

The Gender Wage Gap
Does gender discrimination, exist to cause wage gap? If women only make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, then why don't businesses hire all women? Would that not save them a lot of money.
Well the 77-cent-on-the-dollar statistic is calculated by dividing the median earnings for all women working full time by the median earnings of all men working full time. In other word, if the average income of all men is 40,000 dollars a year divided by the annual income of all women is 30,800 that would mean that women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man makes.
But because these calculations don't involve the position, education, or hours worked per week, it doesn't reveal the gender wage gap.
Then what caused the gender wage
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The 6.6 cent wage gap only revolves only on women fresh out of college single and no kids. Women that are single with no children earn money closer to what men earn. But even thought married women with no kids earn less than men is because they are more likely to give up their job opportunities to either move or stay with their husband's job. An economist from Wellesley College and an author two research reports, The American Economist and National Bureau of Economics paper, " Sari Kerr" say's, " One person should focus on career, and the other does the lion's share of the work at home." It's logical to say that couples decide that the one person who earns less money, usally a women, does the household work and care - taking, but, this is also the reason why women get paid less. Its not wrong for women who are married and have kids the get less paid, thats why there's the husband to make the money , and it's the choice the women made to be a …show more content…
The one possible way to fix this gap is, unless the business has an equal amount of women an men. As and example, The Representive House has 435 members, 362 members are men and 76 women. More than have of the house is dominated by men so to fix that there must be 50% men and women equeals 217.5 men and women to get paid equally. But, everyone is paid equaly even with less women because it Illegal to pay less to someone for either they're men or