Gender Wage Gap

Words: 502
Pages: 3

The gender wage gap is a significant issue in our society, with women consistently earning less than men for the same job. In 2022, women made only about 82% of what men earned, highlighting the persistence of this problem (Pew Research Center, 2023). The gap varies by age and ethnicity, with women aged 35 to 44 experiencing a larger disparity compared to men of the same age (Pew Research Center, 2024). A relational and dialectical approach helps to understand how societal expectations and economic outcomes interact to maintain the gender wage gap. Specifically, gender, class and ethnicity relationships highlight the connection between these factors. Women's experiences in the workplace are not only shaped by their gender, but also by their social class and racial or ethnic …show more content…
Policies and societal perceptions of gender roles must shift in order to close the gender wage gap. Equal pay for equal work laws can contribute to closing the pay gap. However, encouraging men and women to share caregiving responsibilities and changing perceptions of these responsibilities are also necessary for long-lasting change (U.S. Department of Labor, 2024). The gender wage gap is a complex issue that involves both economic policies and social norms (Brym, 2021). A dialectical approach that addresses both aspects is essential for closing the gap and moving toward a more equitable future. By understanding the factors contributing to the wage gap and working to make changes, we can create a fairer society for everyone. Moreover, occupational segregation significantly contributes to the gender wage gap, with women often working in lower-paying industries and occupations compared to men. Efforts to promote gender diversity in traditionally male-dominated fields and ensure equal opportunities for advancement are crucial in addressing gender