Low Voter Turnout Research Paper

Words: 486
Pages: 2

Hailey Wright
Current Event 2

The article goes in depth on voter turnout and why it is becoming such a worry today. It provides that only 6 out of every 10 people voted. That is an astonishing 40% of the people in our country that did not take the time to exercise their right to vote. There are millions in each demographic group that neglect their chance to vote meaning that it is not just one group throwing off the data, but a collected and underwhelming turnout. The possible voter’s motivation hangs on a combination of their culture, the competitiveness of their state and the difficulty to vote. When looking at voter turnout through an individual standpoint, there has and continues to be three main factors that generally dictate the chance someone votes: age, income and the level of education. The article closes questioning whether the low voter
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So many just do not vote because they feel like their one vote does not matter. If everyone felt this way, there would never be anyone elected. We as a country need to push to increase our political efficacy and doing so will up the turnout. The amount of people that claim to not trust our government could be reason they are refusing to vote as a way of saying that they do not support anyone in that position. Others that occasionally partake in voting will see the polls and assume that if their candidate is ahead that they do not need to vote or if their candidate is behind, they give up. Most voters have a specific party they are apart of and support in which they acquire through political socialization, commonly from family. The media tries to influence one’s political ideology with ads and public statements, for example, USA Today recently spoke out after the election for people to vote, but to not vote for Donald Trump. They never said to vote for Hillary Clinton, but influenced people to possibly change their mind