Lucid Dreaming Research Paper

Words: 784
Pages: 4

Fome Omogha
William Madden
English 1101
October 12, 2014
Psycho Physiological Research on Consciousness during REM sleep: (Lucid Dreaming) For a very long time, People had tried to study the various functions of the human body, how we speak, move, etc. These physiological behaviors have analyzed for some levels. One area of the human system that mostly confuses researcher or scientist is the MIND. In my researching, I found out that there are a lot of things that does that doesn’t have a clear explanation on why and how it occurs. One of the most strange and mysterious stages in human life is LUCID DREAM. Lucid dreamer (driven from Van Eden point of view 1913) reported the ability to recall the circumstances of waking life, to clearly
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These made researchers to study the phenomenon of lucid dreaming exclusively. It reported that people experience lucid dreams once in their life. Moreover, only once in a month or more, 20% population experience lucid dream (Snyder & Gackenbach 1988). Some researcher considers lucid dream as irrational and impossible (Malcolm 1959) even for the fact that people had experienced it. Many sleep researchers bought Hartmann idea that lucid dream was “not part of dreaming thought, but a brief arousal” (Berge, 1977; Hartmann, 1975, p. 74). In the physiological aspect in the lucid dream report, Schwartz (1978) noted it is often transitory arousal during REM sleep that can be call as a “Micro-awakenings”. Although there was no evidence of this result, (cf. Foulkes, 1974), it seems to have been the noticeable opinion till the last few …show more content…
On the record of two subjects which reported three lucid dreams upon awakening from REM period. Hunt, Sawicki, McGowan and Ogilvile (1978) reported “ may be that lucid dreams occur in REM”. Unfortunately, no proof was given in that report there was no prove. The experiment of behavioral response signal at the particular time the lucid dream was taking place the physiological status of lucid dreams was sorted out. In Laberge, Nagel, Dement and Zarcone approach (1981) said that the observation of lucid dreaming during unambiguous REM sleep had demonstrated in five subjects. The method of lucid dream induction described by LaBerge (1980) recorded from 2 to 20 nights each. Based on 34 nights of study, 35 lucid dreams were said awakened from various stages of sleep: REM sleeps 32 times, Non-REM Stage-1, twice, and during the change from NonREM-2 to REM, once. All signals with lucid dream reports occurring during unequivocal REM sleep scored according to the conventional