M-Theory And The Existence Of God

Words: 1013
Pages: 5

Short Essay 1
Carolina Ochoa
October 12, 2014

According to Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, the M-Theory (also referred to as The Theory of Everything), states that there are many other universes besides our own. It calculates that many universes were created naturally and with no exact origin from physical law. The creation of our and the many other universes is a scientific prediction and because of this, it is not necessary to think of the beginning of the universes and link their creation to any God(s) (Garner 2010).
This theory opposes the countless religious myths that try to explain how the world came to be. According to M-Theory, examined in Hawkins’s The Grand Design, it is unnecessary to link God (s) to the existence, or creation, of the world (Garner 2010); but many other religious myths recount the beginning with the specific involvement of some God or Gods.
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The first myth was recounted in Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 and starts with the world being enveloped in water. In this myth, God starts creating the world: plants, animals, as well as male and female beings, over six days and rests on seventh. On the second myth, recounted in Genesis 2:4 through 2:3, the world began as a desert where God created man, Adam, from the dust on the ground and put him in the Garden of Eden, which he breathed onto life. God then began to create all the animals and brought them to Adam to name, one by one. Lastly, God created Eve, woman, from Adam’s rib (Stein