Outcome 4
Critically examine human resources management in relation to organisational structure, culture, and effectiveness to inform recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in a healthcare setting. (30%)
4.3 Examine how the effectiveness of human resources management is monitored in healthcare organisation.
4.4 Make justified recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in healthcare organisation.
1 This project is a group assignment.
1. This group assignment will involve researching and developing on behalf of management, a Human resource System document for the Kindly Residential Care Rest Home.
2. The group will be required to deliver a group oral presentation based on their final document.
3. In addition each individual is to provide a written summary based on the findings of the group.
4. Form a group of 3-5 people – subject to your lecturer’s final decision as groups may be selected by the lecturer.
5. Any group member, who is having difficulties or feels the group is not functioning appropriately, must advise their tutor at the earliest convenience, so this matter can be resolved.
1 Groups cannot collude with other groups or individuals without acknowledgement
6. Each group member is to be allocated an equal part of the investigation. This allocation is not to be one complete section. It must be a combination of the various tasks and sub tasks of the project.
7. Groups must minute all meetings so when it comes to evaluating team members, a definite record of participation and contribution will be evident. These will be submitted to your tutor on submission date.
8. All students must complete and sign their peer assessment form (Peer Evaluation of Group Participation – attached, copy as required).
9. Each student is to write and submit an individual report based on the group's work on the project.
10. The assignment must be word processed in a formal writing style and report format
11. The report must be produced to a ‘business standard’. A business standard is under ‘conditions that demand performance equivalent to that required in the real-life context.’
12. The group presentation is part of the assessment and marks will be awarded for each individual’s presentation.
13. The presentation should involve a range of presentation aids
14. Each group member is to be allocated an equal part of the presentation
15. Each group member must deliver a presentation of at least 10 minutes
Assessment Method
The assessment method for this section will be a combination of:
1 Peer Evaluation of member's contribution a Each student will individually evaluate their own and each team member’s contribution using a predetermined rubric.
a) The final mark is an average of the total marks awarded by each member of the group.
b) Marks will be moderated by the tutor and together with the peer marking sheets be returned with the assessment document.
[Total marks 28]
16. Group Project Skills and Involvement mark – based on the ability of the group to perform and achieve as a group. The same one mark is allocated to each member of the group.
[Total marks 30]
17. Group oral presentation Mark
[Total marks 50]
18. Group written document Mark
[Total marks 80]
19. Individual Summary Mark
[Total marks 62]
20. Individual presentation mark
[Total marks 20]
21. Individual contribution and commitment Mark – based on each individual group member’s contribution to both class sessions and group work. Tutor will make their decision based on:
a) Team log books, Minute sheets
b) Direct observation
c) Individual contribution and commitment Rubric
[Total marks 30]
Final mark
The final mark for this section will be the sum of all the above assessment methods.
The Task
The group is to develop a set of recommendations to be presented to the Executive Management team.
The recommendations are in two parts:
1 Recommendations that will assist human