Malcolm X Vs Mlk Research Paper

Words: 1543
Pages: 7

Equality is still a major struggle for America today. The difference between the rights of white people compared to black people/African Americans has always been a problem. Today, racial inequality still exists, however, inequality has decreased significantly since the Civil Rights Movement in 1954. During the movement, two very dedicated men took control of the movement and shifted the lives of African Americans, so that they can live more freely today than they did back then. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were the two men who dedicated their lives to fight for what they believed. The leaders share the same motivation, for they are both fully committed to fixing the African American community's problems. However, the methods and goals of each leader are very different. Martin Luther King …show more content…
These Negroes aren’t asking for a nation. They’re trying to crawl back on the plantation.” Malcolm X’s goals and methods greatly differed from King’s in which Malcolm wanted to segregate and use violence rather than join together using nonviolence. After comparing King’s and Malcolm X’s methods and goals, MLK’s methods and goals will offer a better solution to the needs and problems facing the African-American community today. To start, King’s method is more realistic and strategic. His strategies have shown that it is more eye-opening to society when acting in a nonviolent way. It draws more attention to the problems African Americans are facing when people do not act out of violence. King believed that violence was only stirring up more trouble for the problem. This is still seen today as, black people, who are 13.6% of the population, represent 38% of all prison inmates (#6). King felt that poverty was a fact that segregated societies made it hard for people to join together in equality, as African Americans were struggling more with