Male Body Image Research Paper

Words: 1749
Pages: 7

Male Body Image After puberty many young people feel unhappy with their bodies, specifically their weight. As they grow older they begin to point out their imperfections and become fixated on them. Because of this many people develop eating disorders because they want to look a certain type of way. When we picture the people, who are affected by these diseases you normally picture young teenage girls that are dying to be thin and tall like supermodels, however just as many of the people suffering from body image issues are men. Men feel the same pressures as women to be seen as attractive and will do the same unhealthy things women do to emulate this ideal body image, but their behavior is often disregarded. So why is it that men have been overlooked even though they are suffering at the same rates that women are? And how is their suffering different from the suffering of their female counter parts? …show more content…
The second is bulimia where people will eat and then purge. The third is Binge eating where people lose self-control and over eat. Binge eating is often accompanied with bulimia eating. People that go as far as to develop these disorders will vomit, use laxatives or diuretics, exercise excessively, fast and basically do whatever they have to help them achieve their dream body type even if it slowly kills them. People that suffer from eating disorders are more likely to engage in excessive exercise which affects about one third of college aged men (Kelly). It’s hard to know just how many people are suffering from eating disorders because of how secretive the community is, but it is estimated that about 15% of Americans suffer from a serious eating disorder. Half of these people are men. In fact, many people believe that eating disorders are becoming more prevalent, at a faster rate in men than in