Mandated Vaccines Research Paper

Words: 1513
Pages: 7

Mandated Vaccines; Beneficial V.S. Risky & Unnecessary
With the world being full of bacteria and viruses, vaccines are given to people and its purpose is to protect and help the body use its defenses to fight against diseases and to make one immune to them. In some places, in order for one to be able to enter into a facility, school, or to receive a job, some vaccinations are required. Vaccinations are felt differently about by many; some feel that it is not as important, dangerous, and some think that it is the right thing to do and is useful. To one is getting vaccinated riskier or beneficial?
Before vaccinations were created, there had been different disease epidemics all over the world since before the 1500’s. Small-pox were one of the worst. According to KidsHealth, small pox is an illness that is caused by variola which is a serious virus. According to MayoClinic, in the beginning stage of having this virus, one looks normal and feels healthy. Then following comes flu like symptoms and after that comes the red spots then the pus filled blisters all over. Older people from past
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There are many different vaccinations and the Influenza shot is one of them. In the article “Is the Flu Vaccine a Good Idea for Your Family?” by KidsHealth, it is expressed how getting the flu shot is good for all families because it keeps children and parents healthy. If any other children, parents, or any type of guardian gets vaccinated, it helps protect babies although they can't get vaccine. CDC recommends anyone 6 months or older to get the flu shot. Infants, toddlers, anyone 65 years or older, pregnant women, nursing homes, native Americans, Alaskan natives, and anyone who takes aspirin are more prone to get getting sick if they don't get the shot. From October to May is flu season so it is best to get the shot early so the body can be