Marching Band and Students Essay example

Submitted By charlie0007
Words: 2786
Pages: 12

Central High School
Band Handbook
Rev. 7/18/2012
Welcome! The summer is over and another school year is upon us! We have several exciting events already scheduled: football games, contest, and all the other things that go into making the Central Band program the consistently successful organization that it is. You are the backbone of that organization – your hard work and dedication to the band program only takes us further down the road toward achieving our goals. In order to keep you informed about all the various responsibilities that come with being a member of the band we ask that you and your parents carefully read this handbook and sign and return the appropriate pages back to the directors.

Excellence Begins With You!
Those students who have a positive mental attitude, regardless of their individual skills, will always have a place in the band. Regardless of your ability, if your attitude is positive and you are doing your personal best to make the group successful, you belong in this organization. Those who have pride in themselves will project a positive mental attitude.
Characteristics of a positive mental attitude include a generally cheerful outlook toward rehearsals and performances, cooperation in the preparation and maintenance of equipment and facilities, and an eagerness to do what is necessary to be successful.
In short, the total band member is someone who is always willing to give his or her best for the good of the organization.
The band’s image is based on each individual in the group. Our public reputation is based upon our appearance, our actions, and our projection of pride and organization. It is the responsibility of each band member to insure that we present the best possible image at all times.

Communication: The band staff is available to help with any concerns that may arise throughout the year, or to answer any questions you may have. Almost all problems that arise are the result of poor communication! Feel free to call the band hall at any point.

Band Hall Phone #325-659-3400 ext. 190
Band Hall Fax #325-659-3463

E-mail addresses

Performance Opportunities:
Students have several opportunities to perform throughout the school year, both in large ensembles, as well as on an individual basis.

Marching Band:
All students in the band are expected to perform in the marching band in the fall. The band will perform at all football games, as well as U.I.L. competition and other contests. Performances may include parades and other civic functions. All students will perform on their instrument unless they are a member of the color guard or a drum major. Drum Majors and Color Guard are selected through auditions in the spring of the previous school year. Attendance at all rehearsals are expected and required. Rehearsals are 40% of your band grade. The marching band will rehearse regardless of the weather.

After school marching rehearsals are:
Monday – 4:00 till 6:00 pm
Tuesday – 7:00 till 9:00 pm
Wednesday – 4:00 till 5:30 pm
Thursday – 4:00 till 6:00 pm

Concert Bands:
All students in the band will perform in a concert band throughout the year. Students are placed in one of three bands based upon their individual playing ability and instrumentation needs of the ensembles. Both Honors and Symphonic band will perform at the U.I.L. competition in April, and all bands will perform at various concerts throughout the year, as well as during the spring trip. There will be one after or before school sectional rehearsal each week for the top two bands in the spring.
(time to be determined)

Jazz Band:
Jazz Band is open to all band students. Placement in the jazz ensembles will be based upon instrumentation and auditions. The jazz bands provide the students with the opportunity to perform in a small ensemble setting, and exposes students to the history and styles of