Margaret Court Research Paper

Words: 888
Pages: 4

This school is bullshit. What? I have the right to express my opinion and so do you and Margaret Court. God made “Adam and Eve” not “Adam and Steve”. Margaret court, the most successful female tennis player, which is also a Christian minister. Court, according to the Bible, had chosen to stand against same sex marriage. However, her point of view as a Christian has met with immediate opposition from a range of commentators. (Gay) It is followed with a call for the renaming of the Margaret Court Arena. This Arena is named her for her achievement on tennis. Hi all, this is a serious issue because it reflects our right to speak freely. No matter you are for or against same sex marriage, as an Australian, you have the right to freely express your …show more content…
However, these two things are not mixed. Margaret court's stand on homosexuality has nothing to do with her contribution to tennis. During her career, Court has won 64 titles and this record still stands. The Arena was named after her and no one has the right to deny a 75 years old woman's dedication to this sport. Her personal view should not have any kind of influence on the naming of the Arena. As I emphasise, sport and politics do not mix. How often would you see an athlete got ban because of their stands on a political issue? Look at North Korea, North Korea has had an intense relationship with most of the country, in fact, the whole world, but they still attend last year's Olympic. In addition, Australia president Malcolm Turnbull says, “this Arena is named after her because she’s one of the greatest tennis player, whatever people may think about Margaret court’s view about gay marriage, she is one of the all-time greats and the Margaret Court Arena celebrates Margaret court the tennis player.” There we go, as Mrs president said, the arena is not named after Margaret court because of her views on a political issue, it is named after her for her achievements, contribution and dedication to Australia