The impact it creates provides the reader with a sense of feeling. Sympathy if you must. However, feeling sympathy and even caring for what happens in the end leads up to the big understanding. Reading a real life experience provides an abundance of knowledge and creates a stupendous realization of how culture used to be and how it can change in a blink of an eye. We never really see clearly about how great things are and how well our culture has become until it is all taken away. In the novel Persepolis, Marjane’s family could have gone away to the United States and be free from the change and cruel violence, but the idea of starting over, their life being brought back to level zero and having to build itself back up to the top, sadly stopped them from their freedom. Social class becomes a big part of culture and in this novel you certainly provided by reason of how much damage and struggle it can put on one’s self. The narrator’s story of her and her family’s life might just be the greatest example of understanding culture and what it can do to a