I don’t think there is a difference because he says in his argument that even though the fetus has not fully developed a form of a child in the stage of abortion the child that should be born has a value in life
I agree with Marquis’ argument and believe that abortion is immoral. Like other human beings, fetuses have the right to live their lives and that right should never be taken from anyone, especially if they do not have a decision on what happens in their life. Even though a woman might get an abortion because she is not ready for a child at that moment, there is the possibility that the child could lead a successful life. Marquis’ stance on abortion is that it is morally wrong to do so because it…
Words 985 - Pages 4
Abortion has generated considerable debate with supporters and opponents widely labeled as “pro-choice” and “pro-life” respectively. Despite both sides feverously arguing that their view is better, abortion is a topic that is widely misunderstood and mischaracterized considering how both sides employ similar arguments and thus causes great confusion. In this essay, I set out to support the claim that abortion, except perhaps in rare circumstances, is seriously wrong. In the first section, I will…
Words 1839 - Pages 8
killing, Don Marquis presents a unique position that differs from the typical arguments centered around personhood or the qualities that determine moral status. Marquis believes that killing is wrong not because of its effects on the killer or the effects on those in the victim’s life, but rather its impact on the victim’s future (Marquis 1989, 189). This paper aims to evaluate his argument based on the deprivation of potential future experiences, particularly in the context of abortion, where the…
Words 1204 - Pages 5
The common conflict that arises in determining the morality of abortion is between the rights of the mother and the unborn. Warren and Thomson both argue the permissibility of abortion on the grounds of a fetus’ lack of personhood; and women’s rights, respectively. In contrast to Warren, Marquis cleverly avoids the “personhood” trap in his argument against abortion. Unlike Thomson, Marquis does not address women’s rights, but rather understands what is truly at the heart of the issue: a choice between…
Words 1136 - Pages 5
Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of the human pregnancy, typically performed before the first 28 weeks. In this paper, I will discuss the moral permissibility of performing any type of abortion, and I will refute Don Marquis argument against abortion as it fails to consider the mother’s autonomy and rights. Marquis has demonstrated the impermissibility of abortion in his paper Why abortion is immoral. After analyzing the standard pro-choice, and pro-life arguments, he concluded…
Words 972 - Pages 4
Don Marquis' "Why Abortion is Immoral" In his essay "Why Abortion is Immoral," Don Marquis argues against the morality of abortion on the premise that the value of a fetus' future is so great that it is immoral to take that potential future away from it. Essentially, he contends, abortion is tantamount to murder: killing an individual is prima facie wrong because the loss of the goods of one's future is the worst loss a human can suffer. He calls this potential future a "future-like-ours,"…
Words 1918 - Pages 8
In this paper I will discuss the great moral dilemma of committing an abortion. This issue of whether having an abortion is morally justified has been very controversial to many people for a long time, and still continues to be one today. As a context to this argument we are given a story of Mrs. Adams and her husband who decided to have an abortion after a contraceptive method went wrong. After forgetting to take her contraceptive pill one night Mrs. Adams ends up getting pregnant, and because…
Words 1498 - Pages 6
1 Don Marquis, in his essay “Why Abortion is Immoral,” argues that abortion is morally impermissible. 2 Marquis is challenging the potential of personhood. This view asserts that abortion is wrong because it prevents a potential person (the fetus) from developing into an actual person. According to this view, the moral status of the fetus depends on its potential to become a person with a valuable future. Marquis argues that if we accept the potential personhood view, we must also consider other…
Words 650 - Pages 3
Within this essay by Don Marquis, Marquis explains his opinion that abortion is definitely more on the pro-life side of the spectrum. He also believes that abortion is the act of killing a being with a right to life and killing a being with a right to life is seriously morally wrong because it robs such a being of its future. Marquis means to convey that the act of killing an unborn child should be seen just as cruel as the murder of an innocent adult man. Before beginnings to discuss his own view…
Words 489 - Pages 2
ethics that come into play regarding a morally controversial decision such as abortion has been debated and challenged many times over with no right answer. There are rare exceptions as to when abortion may be considered, but it is ultimately wrong to intentionally act in bringing about the death of a fetus for the sake of the woman who carries it. In the article, “An Argument that Abortion is Wrong” by Don Marquis, abortion is wrong for the same sake that killing and murdering a human being is wrong;…
Words 958 - Pages 4