Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper

Words: 478
Pages: 2

The most important moral in life is to never cheat. Cheating on a man or woman, disrespecting them, lying, hurting, and most importantly betraying their trust, for what? A moment, a mistake, an easy come easy go? Time and time again all through history, we have seen what cheating can do to a person or persons. President Clinton has experienced the temptation and heartache of cheating. For President Clinton, it was the whole country finding out about his affair and turning his image to an untrustworthy president. So in this case, is honesty really the best policy? Is ruining the “love” and trust two people have for each other worth the pain heartache and embarrassment or is living with a guilty conscious better?

Martin Luther King Jr. was a public leader that exemplifies the spirit of an American patriot. By definition Martin Luther King Jr. was a patriot, he believed that everyone should have the same rights no matter their color or religion. He is a person who vigorously supports his country and was prepared to defend anyone who was being discriminated in our country. So much so that he died for speaking out
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Banishing not only ivory but animal cruelty towards elephants all around the world. Because of the ivory trade, elephants are on the road to extinction. At the pace the ivory industry is currently moving, elephants will be extinct by 2020. Elephants are the closest thing we have to the extinct mammoth, and with elephants extinct, the next generations will never be able to experience these beautiful animals. If millennials stop buying ivory, we could send a message to the future generations that anything is possible in this world. Shockingly, ivory is the fourth largest trafficking after weapons, drugs, and humans. A stance against the cruel ivory trade is a stance against cruelty and a stance for