Martin Luther King: Leader Of The Civil Rights Movement

Words: 1034
Pages: 5

Michael Kimble
Mrs. Ricard
U.S. History
11 December 2014

My topic is the civil rights movement; expect to hear how different people had different views and also how wrongly blacks were treated. Also how different black leaders step up and made a change in the black community. And finally how the black community is different now because of these certain black individuals and how they stepped up.
Martin Luther King was one of the main leaders of the civil rights movement. To me he had the largest impact because he continued to fight for blacks and whites to be equal. He continued to make speeches and state the fact that blacks were not treated fairly. Slowly people started to listen and believe
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Her being bold enough to not give up her seat caused many blacks to follow in behind her footsteps. She also inspired blacks to make a change and stand up for their self.
The Black Panthers were the hardest gang back in the 80s. They literally fought anyone who said anything disrespectful about blacks. They took manners into their own hands; they were even protectors for the black neighbors’. Even though most were Muslim they were still black and many of them changed their names. By them doing what they did in the black community they started to make blacks feel more confident.
Malcolm X was the man, because not only did he fight for civil rights but he also did for the Muslims. He went to jail and began studying the book of Allah. His father was slained by the KKK (Ku Klux Klan)Malcolm also started the black power movement which is where you put your fist up in the air. He went to jail for six years and once he finally got out he became minster of the Temple number 7 in Harlem. The whites started to become scared of Malcolm because of the crimes he committed and what he was capable
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Honestly I think what all happened was a good thing and also a bad thing for society. Because if it didn’t happen some people who are famous for their actions today might not be recognized, and it’s a bad thing because blacks went through rough times and were treated so unfairly. Me personally I’m glad what happened and how it happened because everything happens for a reason and everything worked out not perfectly but it did work out. I still don’t see how whites could be so cruel and mean to blacks just because of their skin color, all men should be treated equal and that’s what dr. king expressed in his I Have A Dream Speech. In my opinion Dr. King and Malcolm X were they main people to express it because they continued to fight for blacks. The both had hard life’s continuing to have to deal with society. Writing this paper and doing the research made me realize and gave me a better understanding on what happened and really went on. At the start I didn’t know what I wanted to write about but found the interesting topic on the civil rights movement. Studying this made me more appreciative of my life and how good I really have it. I’m thankful for the people who fought for my rights and made my life how it is now. Im glad I didn’t live in that time because there was to many killing, lynching, hanging, and other things happening to blacks because of their skin color and