Martin Luther King Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 6

Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most influential civil rights’s leaders, being able to lead a whole community behind him. Starting as a young child in Atlanta, Georgia, was around motivation and an inspiring father who was a pastor at their hometown church. Being a Christian he wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps Becoming a pastor attending at Booker T. Washington High School, started his career young at 15 giving his first ever speech in Dublin Georgia at First African Baptist Church. Being a statewide public speaking contest organized by Colored Elks Lodge won the whole contest. Before getting admitted to Morehouse College at the young age of 15 for 4 years, he went to Crozer Theological Seminary for another 4 years before finishing …show more content…
Letting him perform an amazing speech in front of a crowd of 10,000 people with them relating to his speech. He talked about the inequality between the two different races and how African Americans were mistreated and being treated differently by Caucasian’s. and how they were held in captivity, saying “Many years ago the African Americans were thrown into the Egypt of segregation,” he writes, but “through a world shaking decree by the nine justices of the Supreme Court of America the Red Sea was opened and the forces of justice marched through to the other side.” He led the first Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement with his involvement in the Bus Boycott Helping Rosa Parks finish the movement. The Bus Boycott became the first large-scale segregation movement in the U.S. Being 13 months long (381 Days Long), being a Non-Violent protest changed very fast. During the Bus Boycott, the passengers started getting shot at by snipers, one shooter hitting a pregnant lady in both her legs, shattering them both …show more content…
Randolph started the day with multiple speakers, ending his speech with”We here today are only the first wave”. When we leave, it will be to carry the civil rights revolution home with us into every nook and cranny of the land, and we shall return again and again to Washington in ever growing numbers until total freedom is ours.” Other speakers followed that up including Randolph’s aid Rustin (NAACP) president Roy Wilkins, John Lewis of the student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Martin Luther King Jr agreed to speak last his speech was a four minute long speech that ended up being a 16 minute long speech becoming one of if not the most popular speech Known as the “I Have A Dream” Speech, not in his original speech but decided to speak his mind on the segregation laws and how they targeted as “different” “And when this happens.we will be able to speed up that day when all God’s children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, ‘Free at last! Free at the end of the day! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!’” making him the most famous and most known civil rights leader that spoke his mind on what he wanted to