Also latinos are about 3 times more likely to be incarcerated. Black men at the age between 20 and 34 have about 11% behind bars and incarceration hit young blacks and latinos men without an high school education. In 1988 african americans were arrested for drugs more than 5 times the rate whites. The rate of drugs for black men were 13 times greater than the rate for white men in 1996. This doesn’t consider the fact that black men use drugs the same amount as white …show more content…
In 1972 the jail and prison incarceration rate for men was estimated 24 times higher than for women. In 2010 men incarceration rate was 11 times higher and women’s rate had risen twice as rapidly as men’s in the growing period of incarceration rates. The growth in women's incarceration but only 7 percent of all state and federal prisoners were female in 2011. The racial for women was the same for men in incarceration. The state prison population can be divided into three offense categories such as violent that includes murder, rape and/or robbery; Property that includes vehicle theft, burglary,larceny/theft and finally drug that include manufacturing, possession, and sale. About 2009 it was about 716,000 of 1.36 million state prison inmates had been convicted of violent