When the Euro-American came into contact with the native people, their main agenda was not friendship or brotherhood as the native people thought. They took advantage of their kindness by first building their colonies and then afterward imposing their colonial rules. This is in my perspective the root cause or the foundation of the war. This poison started to spread deep and faster into the native peoples’ lives when they were forcefully removed from their land and allocated into the reservation. To make matters worse the idea of demonizing the way they worshiped and tactically encouraging them to assimilate to the Christian way of worship was wrong. I cannot understand why the white settler thought that the God he worshiped was more worthy than the native people. From all these, I think it is safe to say that neither the Euro-American nor the Native people made an effort to understand each other, and as a result, a cultural conflict developed. In addition, one important thing that cannot be ignored is the treaties the Dakota Indians signed with the US government in 1851 and 1858. While some people can argue it was a good thing, others think it was out of desperation by the Dakota people. My perspective on these treaties is that the government was stealing from native people. Although the treaty gave the Dakota people the full force and effect over and within the limits of the reservation lands, the treaty also stipulated that United States have the rights