Weber believed that his belief of a protestant ethic in the West contributes to the emergence of capitalism Weber attributes his notion to the Protestant search for a worldly calling, which gives worldly activities religious meaning (E & A p.146.) Weber saw that the protestant religion, Calvinism provides an explanation for how a religious calling leads to the pursuit of wealth. Calvinists believe in predestination, which is the belief that a one's fate is determined before they are born; whether one will be saved or damned. Calvinists believe that very few people will be saved, and that the only way to know one's fate is from signs, from God. Calvinists see individual success and the accumulation of wealth as an indication of good favor with God. Other protestant religions, such as Baptists and Methodists, believed similar things as Calvinists. These protestant religions worked as productively as possible for wealth because they were looking for favor with God.
Weber believed that the spread of the protestant ethic created a shift in social actions, where Western behavior changed from traditional to value-rational action. Value-rational action is described by the pursuit of a goal, where the end defines itself. The protestant ethic created the idea that wealth is a justifiable end because the pursuit