In the 60’s fashion have many similarities but also many differences to the present. A few very popular fashion items in the 60’s such as baby doll dresses, miniskirts, and hippie dresses are still very popular today. There are many fashion items that are not so popular, one of these are smocks. The 1960’s put forth the emerge of unisex clothing such as denim jeans, which is worn by both male and female and is still very popular today. As we see fashion over time stays the same obviously making some small changes and this trend will probably continue to be the outline of fashion in the future.
Technology has also dramatically improved in the last 50 years. In the 60’s if you had a landline phone in your home you were considered lucky, and mobile phones did not exist. Whereas today most homes have a landline phone and most teenagers have a mobile phone. Televisions were also rare in the 60’s and if you were lucky enough to have one it was not in color, only black and white. Today to find a black and white television is like finding an antique treasure. Most televisions today are color and in high definition. Also where in the 60’s not many people had a telephone or television, today there are very few homes without them.
School life is also an example of dramatic change in the last 50 years. In the 60’s corpal punishment, for example, the ruler was still used in schools, whereas now it’s not. It was normal for teenagers to drop out of school before finishing a 12 year school period whereas today teens are expected to finish high school and even go on to college. In the 60’s there was no such thing as traineeships, apprenticeships, or work experience, where today all of them are part of most schools curriculum for students to complete. Also in the 60’s all girls were told they must wear skirts to school whereas today they have the option of wearing whatever they want.
Fashion, technology, and school are just a few of the dramatic changes our world has experienced in the last 50 years.
The cost of living in the 60 was much cheaper, especially for people with children. Rent then wasn’t anything like it is now, today it’s more like paying a mortgage just to rent. People, who owned