The media has the social responsibility to share all mature material with the public in any situation. Mature media can vary from natural disasters, explicit language and extreme violence, but the access to it shouldn’t be a privilege, rather a naturally given right., especially in the free government the nation lives under. Depending on the situation, the press can organize information gained in a way that can still carry its message across that isn’t as graphic as a video, but it may not be as valuable as a video. It is up to the people how they want to receive information, so it is fair that they can choose how they want to hear about an incident, no matter the brutality. But ultimately, a video captures a whole scene, which is a better reality of a situation to the viewer than a picture is. Seeing an event take place is more meaningful than seeing only parts of an event alone, because the more realistic the coverage of the event is, the stronger of a reaction a person can get out of