Medical Neglect Research Paper

Words: 568
Pages: 3

Medical neglect is considered neglect due to the fact that parents fail to provide the proper healthcare to children. Some parents have religious view that they try to use with raising their children such as not getting them vaccine or the proper medical treatment due to religion view. When a parent refuse medical treatment for child who is battling an acute illness and need medical attention fast or they can die. When parents ignore medical treatment for a child it can cause a child to always have to be at the hospital which cause social service to become involve in their family business due to the fact of lack of medical care.
When parents fail to enroll their children into school they are depriving their children of an education. If parents fail to enroll the child into public school, they must show that their child will become homeschool. Educational neglect can cause children to not know or have the basic needs in life. They can become disrespectful and display bad manner and behavior and often treat others badly. Educational neglect can cause children not to know nothing causing them to get picked on due to lack of reading, lack of everyday knowledge that is given. Rejection is when parent tend to overlook the child and never show any affection, Isolation is also a form of abuse due to the fact that parents can abuse their children from keeping them from society like letting them go places or just even step outside for fresh air. Exploiting children is a another form of child abuse. When a parent exploited a child they can do so by sexual abuse such as human
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Emotional abuse is when a parent belittles a child by name calling. Parents can also withhold affection such as not telling children they love them. Some of the things that can cause emotional abuse and child maltreatment included ignoring is when a parent fail to ignore their children