Mercury Planet Research Paper

Words: 2178
Pages: 9

By definition, a planet is a celestial body moving in orbit around a star. Throughout recent years, many new planets have been found that are not part of the planetary solar system that Earth is a part of. In this planetary system, there are a total of eight planets all orbiting around the sun. In order from closest to the sun to farthest from the sun, the planets go: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Named after the Roman God Mercury, Mercury is the planet that takes the least time to orbit around the sun since it is the closest planet. This planet is made out of solid rocks, similar to the moon, and it has craters as well. Underneath the small crust of Mercury’s rock exterior, an iron “core” of the planet lies where scientists have discovered that some molten lies. Since Mercury is so small, it would make sense that the molten core would have cooled since the planet was formed, but astronomers believe that the core of Mercury must also contain sulfur, which is an element that allows for the melting temperature of a material to be lowered. With molten, a liquid, inside of Mercury, this allows Mercury to have a magnetic field just 1% as large as Earth’s. Named from the Greek Goddess, Venus is the planet second closest to the sun and …show more content…
Jupiter is composed of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium. All that is known about the interior of Jupiter is that the gas gets denser towards the center. There is a theory that Jupiter has a rock-like core that holds most of the mass of Jupiter. Above Jupiter’s core, liquid metallic hydrogen lies, which is the same liquid that is inside the sun, but this liquid metallic hydrogen rests at a much lower temperature. In any gaseous planet, winds are very high and they blow in parallel lines, creating the colorful stripes that can be seen upon looking at any gaseous