Mesopotamia Religion

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Pages: 4

We should live our lives viewing all people as God would view them. We should live with radical faith in God. I think that we should live with intention and commitment. Christians should live in community and carry each other’s burdens. Humility is a key characteristic for the Christian life. I believe one of the foundational things that people should do in their lives is viewing all people as God would view them. Through one of the first readings we did on the Mesopotamian and Hebrew traditions, I learned that the Mesopotamia culture views people based on their wealth and status, but the Hebrew traditions instruct people to view everyone as equal and worthy of value and respect. If we live our lives believing that God loves each person …show more content…
Christians at that time were willing to die for their faith. They lived every day in pursuit of Christ. This was important because the believers who came after them must have realized that they truly believed in their faith because they were willing to die for it. In addition, many times when they were about to be murdered they would ask for the more painful death just so they could be more of an example for Christ. I think we should live like that today. We too often are interested in mediocre Christianity were we do not live with purpose or to glorify Christ. Therefore, I think we can take from the example set by early Christians and live our lives in a radical way. The early Christians were passionate about spreading the gospel no matter the cost, and had recognized the amazing story that the gospel is, and they lived life like that. Christian at that time believed that whatever they asked of the Lord he would grant them. For example, when Perpetua realized she was going to be imprisoned for their faith, asked for a vision from God to show her if she would die or not, and she had a vision. Christians at that time had incredible faith, and this is a trait that I think Christians today should have. We should live our lives believing that our God is bigger than our problems and able to answer any request we may ask of …show more content…
When we read Bernard and Fulcher, I learned that the most successful knights are the ones that allow themselves to work together with other knights and have a common brotherhood. These were the Christian knights that knew that they were fighting for, and valued the community of knighthood. As Christians, we should all be working towards the same goal, spreading the gospel, and we should be able to carry each other’s burdens. Bernard believed that the knights could bring a little bit of heaven to earth by creating cities that were filled with Christians living in community together. This shows the importance of living in community with other believers. I think today we should do a better job of living in community, we should share our burdens with our brothers and sisters in Christ so that we are not alone. When we are vulnerable with people we are able to become better people because of their encouragement and sharpening. Humility is a key characteristic for the Christian life. Through the reading with John Wycliffe and Marsilius of Padua, we should recognize that we should live our life in submission to the world leaders and to God. If we submit to God fully than we can recognize that we are to submit to the world leaders that he has put into place. Through submitting to God, we should also live our lives for his glory and not our own. The religious leaders at that time lived for their own