Early Civilization Research Paper

Words: 614
Pages: 3

As people travel back to early history and look at the early civilizations, there are six characteristics that goes along with civilization which are government, social structure, art, writing, cities, and religion. These six characteristics were seen in Mesopotamia, which was located between the Tigris and Euphrates River, and India, which was located between the Ganges and Indus rivers. Three most influential characteristics of these two places were art; which was used for new advances in society, writing; which allowed for documents and the last characteristic was religion; which brought citizens together through beliefs. The first influential characteristic of civilization is the art that was seen in Mesopotamia. One of the inventions was the iron plow that was invented by the Aryans. The iron plow allowed farmers to clear the dense jungle growth as well as turning land into rich farmland. The Aryans also brought irrigation, which is supplying water to the land through rivers, streams and more. Another incredible invention from Mesopotamia was from the cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa, which were both carefully …show more content…
The first form of writing was called Cuneiform and the writing originated from the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. This form of writing was a wedge shaped system of writing that was used to shape impressions out of clay tablets and was baked in the sun. Cuneiform allowed the Sumerians to keep records and pass along knowledge. Cuneiform was also used in schools to train scribes, which were members of society who were copyists, teachers, and jurists. Another form of writing originated from India and the writing was called Sanskrit. Around 1000 B.C. the Aryans created the form of Sanskrit, which was an Indo- European language. Having a written language was very important for keeping records and passing down information from generation to