In general, migrants show strong resilience and adaptability to new challenges and surroundings even they do hard jobs when first settling as well as a disposition for hard working in order to establish themselves in a new country. However, increasing skilled migration would make a positive overall contribution to Australia's future per head income levels. Migration contributes to the economy in many ways, the up skilling of the workforce, economies of scale and the development of new export markets would further add to the economic benefits of migration. Furthermore Kastoryano mentioned that the main aim to couple new communication technologies and multiculturalism, that is to say, it presupposes a link between the increasing diversification of these technologies and the explosion of communities into multiple subgroups. The new technologies would permit multicultural communities both to express themselves and to remain in contact with each other (Kastoryano 2009). Migrants have contributed to the development and expansion of small businesses. They have contributed to the development of technology bringing to the country cutting edge technology from around the world. …show more content…
Reitz stated that, social cohesion is the result of multiculturalism. Ethnic community ties facilitate some aspects of social integration. Also Kilic and Petzen (Kilic & Petzen 2013) provided a comparative and critical intervention in the reception of the multicultural migrant artist, and how their work in the arts is commodified considered commodification of the migrant within the arts, specifically the visual arts in large curatorial projects, as a productive area of research for comparative critical race theory/ethnic studies. "Migrant culture" is placed in the contemporary art scene in first world countries as a way to exotify and commodify the multiculturalism migrant