Minor Health Code Violations

Words: 819
Pages: 4

The business owner is faced with a moral dilemma. He was in violation of minor health code violations adding up to a total of $4000 dollars. The Health code inspector is willing to overlook these violations if the business owner is willing to host an end of season ice cream party for the Inspectors daughters’ softball team. He is faced with an ethical decision.
A business owner should definitely choose to host the softball party to overlook my minor health code violations. As hosting an ice cream party would be cheaper than paying a $4000 fine. There could be legal implications, if some outside source found out about our backroom deal. The owner would probably be faced with a much bigger fine and the inspector would probably lose his job. These
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Word of mouth is one of the most effective marketing and advertising techniques, and if the word gets out that the owner is operating unethically and violating health code violations, That would be a serious turn-off to a lot of people. Most people would not want to patronize a business that is unsanitary and dirty. Your reputation is one of the most important characteristics about a person, especially in the business environment. As a young kid, most of our parents taught us to not care what people think about you, but unfortunately, how others perceive you means a great deal. Not all of the blame should be at the hands of the business owner. The health inspector should also have an ethical code also and should have known better than to bribe the owner. The public relations impact for him would obviously be the dismissal of employment but would also be blackballed from that type of industry and would have a hard time finding a job in that field. Think about the embarrassment for both the owner and the health inspector if this action made on the news and the radio, how this would affect your reputation. One would wonder if they would have made the same decision then. Hindsight is 20-20 …show more content…
In this scenario, There are safety risks for both the employees and the consumers. If the consumer came in and purchased ice cream and consequentially became sick, that is a potential lawsuit waiting to happen, not to mention the bad public relations. One could reason that a 4000 dollar fine and fixing the violations would be a cheaper alternative than a potential lawsuit that would surely be more than $4000. The same applies for the employees, a reasonable employer would not want to put their employees in an unhealthy environment, assuming that these are major health code violations. If the stated violations are minor in nature, then this does not apply. If the violations are serious in nature, the owner should think about the fact that their business could get shut down for a specific period of time and those employees are out of a job in the meantime. I’m sure they have families to feed