I wasn’t really trying to achieve anything in this experience. In fact instead of sorting this one out properly what I did was wrote down an erroneous entry on the controlled drug book therefore making the case far more worst than it seems. I intervene the way I did because I was afraid of being blamed not only by myself as well as the rest of the staff and management. The consequences of my action were obviously unacceptable considering the fact that I am a professional and should serve as a good model and an example to others. To the resident although he was informed of the incident that transpired he told me to take extra precaution next time. To my colleagues I felt that I wasn’t acting maturely and responsibly with what happened.
Internal factors influencing my decision once again were mentioned was the feeling of blame and the thought of being criticized by fellow staff members. External factors would be the lack of support from the management and the thought of not undergoing a fair investigation. I know that what I did was totally unacceptable and against the companies policy and procedure.
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