Modern Day Heroes Research Paper

Words: 682
Pages: 3

Taylor Bussa
Gill B3

What Makes a Modern Day Hero? When you think of a hero, what comes to mind? Superman, firefighters, a family member? All of these people can be considered heroes, but what about them gives them that title? Joseph Campbell's monomyth cycle will show how these people go through the cycles of being a hero. A hero is made up of characteristics, a hero is a brave risk taker, a hero is influential and imitates a great example, and a hero is dedicated to make a positive change happen.

Without being brave, how is a hero supposed to take on his task or challenge? Rosa Parks is a great example of how a hero has to be brave because if she was to afriad to say no to moving then we might still be facing segragation. Heroes help positive change happen faster.
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This plane was planed to be another part of the September 11 attacks but the passengers of the plan had a plan to help others. They new what was happening and that others would get hurt if they didint do something about it. They were determined to take back the plan and make sure it did not crash into anything else. These people were able to take back the plane and it ended up crashing into a open field in Pennsylvania. Although these people did not make it, they died heros. They were determined to save others and succeeded with a cost as big as their own life. Without dedication to make change happen, a hero has nothing to work for and achieve “If you dare nothing, then when the day is over, nothing is all you will have gained.”(Gaiman, page 1). Without dedication to make change happen, a hero has nothing to work for and achieve. A hero believes in what they are fighting for or trying to achieve. A soldier does not fight for their country because they are forced to, they fight for the nation and country that they love and believe in and so that they can protect all the people they love at